Table of Contents

Friends Season1 Episode1 : The One Where Monica Gets a New Roommate

1. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

Carol moved her stuff out today.

2. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

Let me get you some coffee.

3. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

Ooh, I was kinda hoping that wouldn't be an issue.

[slang] kinda = kind of
ex)What kinda food do you like?

4. English Dictation Practice

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Check the correct answer

What if I don't wanna be a shoe?

wanna = want to

5. English Dictation Practice

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Check the correct answer

but I think I'm just gonna hang out here tonight. It's been kinda a long day.
Okay, sure.

6. English Dictation Practice

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Check the correct answer

who am I gonna ask?

gonna = going to

7. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

I mean, I have never made coffee before in my entire life.

8. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

I just thought he was nice, you know?

9. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

You're gonna love it!

10. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

You gonna crash on the couch?

gonna = going to

11. English Dictation Practice

Check the correct answer

Check the correct answer

Would anybody like more coffee?