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BBC Tim's Pronunciation Workshop
Lifetime (Oxford English Video)
BBC Extra English

Friends Season1
Full House Season1
VOA : Let's Learn English - Level 2



Lifetime - Level 3-3 The hero (Oxford English Video)

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Can I see your ticket and passport, please?

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Did you pack the bag yourself?

3. English Dictation Practice


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And has the bag been left unattended at any time?

4. English Dictation Practice

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You know what happened last time.

5. English Dictation Practice

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We'll have to try and get a taxi from the end of the street.

6. English Dictation Practice

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And look what happened to the car in that robbery yesterday.

7. English Dictation Practice

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Has that guy been caught yet?

8. English Dictation Practice

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You wouldn't say that if it was your car.

uk/oxford/lifetime/level3-3.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/08/10 00:40 by admin

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