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BBC Tim's Pronunciation Workshop
Lifetime (Oxford English Video)
BBC Extra English

Friends Season1
Full House Season1
VOA : Let's Learn English - Level 2



Full House Season1 Episode1 : Our Very First Show

1. English Dictation Practice

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Hey, Jesse, you missed breakfast. Where have you been?

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It was dark, who would've known?

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We've got one.

4. English Dictation Practice

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How do I get out of here?

5. English Dictation Practice

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I'm sorry, I've gotta get down to the station.

6. English Dictation Practice

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All right, look out; I'll show you how it's done. Come here, child.

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why did you wait till now to give us the diapers?
Nobody asked me.

8. English Dictation Practice

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Oh, well, I am, but the airport's fogged in. So, is that offer to stay with you anytime still good?

9. English Dictation Practice

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Is that okay?

Full House Season1

us/tv/full_house/s01/e01.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/03/18 00:02 by admin

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